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乐鱼体育-宏旭定制 河道阶梯护岸塑料模具 河道阶梯护坡模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

宏旭定制 河流阶梯护岸塑料模具 河流阶梯护坡模具 宏旭定制 河道阶梯护岸塑料模具 河道阶梯护坡模具

宏旭定制   河流阶梯护岸塑料模具   河流阶梯护坡模具

The mould of stepped retaining wall not only meets the use function, but also considers the coordination with the surrounding environment. The instability and erosion of slope can be reduced by combining plant and civil engineering. Modular design, standardized mold production, factory prefabrication, field assembly, good product con乐鱼体育appsistency. To lay a good foundation for the standardized construction of products. The whole construction facade is uniform and regular, with small error. The traditional stone retaining wall needs more manpower on site, so the construction progress is slow, time-consuming and labor-consuming, and the cost is high. The formwork of river bank stepped retaining wall adopts assembly construction, and the speed is 10-20 times of that of the traditional method, so as to ensure the construction progress and reduce the construction cost. The stone retaining wall is a brittle connection, which is easy to crack and collapse in case of uneven settlement. The box retaining wall adopts bolt flexible connection, which has good integrity, good deformation resistance and high safety factor.


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